
Let it Down

Hair Care

Hair Care Packaging

Stand out color and special effects engage consumers on the shelf

Hair care product development is strongly influenced by the growing, changing global marketplace. Consumers are seeking products that feel personalized for their grooming needs. Package design can support this trend. Stand out color not only gets products noticed at retail, but can also help customers quickly locate their specific formulation on a shelf amidst the ever-expanding number of choices.

Men's hair care is rapidly expanding globally and is one the largest growth areas. Developing unique packaging with masculine colors and finishes that clearly delineate men’s products will become increasingly important as this market expands.


  • Liquid and masterbatch colorants to provide shelf appeal 
  • Special color effects including metallic, pearlescent, marble, granite, and wood effects
  • Clarifiers and impact resistant additives for high clarity packaging that performs
  • UV additives that deliver protection for your light sensitive products
  • Soft touch TPEs for over molded caps to engage your consumers with tactile elements and provide ergonomic benefits